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  • Project Manager at Earle Architects
  • Surrey Square School
  • London, UK
  • 2010 – planning consent granted in jan. 2012
  • 250m2
  • £800 000 (approx. 950 000€)

The nursery and crèche sit on a linear site between a Victorian school and the garden of the neighbouring property. The proposal includes its own outdoor space. The proposed landscape design proposes a new deck and a grass mound in order to link together the different levels of the playground.


While the nursery and crèche building will read as a new and contemporary addition to the Victorian school building it will also relate sympathetically to its environment. Indeed, the pitched roof of the building is reminiscent of the roofs of the school. This is achieved as well by use of natural materials and a complementary colour palette.
The building will be linked with the playground and the sky by wide folding doors and roof lights.